DePaul University
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Join Black Romance authors Katrina Jackson and Elysabeth Grace as they discuss writing Black historical romance.

The authors will engage the question of readerly and publishing perceptions about the place of African/African diaspora love in historical spaces. For Black romance authors, what does it entail to represent Black love within historical romance?

Questions of colorism, sexuality, class, and gender affect perceptions of historical romance fiction. Is historical fiction or women’s fiction the only way to write Black love? Can a genealogy and reading practice for Black historical romance emerge? A genealogy that encourages writers and readers (including agents, publishers, reviewers) to consider different frames of reading the idea of authenticity?

The conversation attempts to move beyond the Eurocentric/American focus to look at the role of Black subjectivity (not individualism) as integral to Black historical romance. Finally, the authors seek to encourage Black romance authors and readers, and the wider romance community to re-imagine their relationship to historical romance in general, and Black historical romance in particular. 

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