DePaul PRSSA Midwest District Conference, "PRogress Report"
Friday, February 25, 2022 6pm to 6pm
About this Event
DePaul Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) was selected again to host PRSSA National’s Midwest District Conference. The theme of the conference is PRogress Report; we will be checking in with PR agencies and industries to hear how they have adapted, grown, gained wisdom and even flourished since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, and most importantly, how they are moving forward in 2022. The conference will include visits to PR agencies, speakers, workshops and networking opportunities. Headquartered on DePaul's Loop Campus, we welcome attendees from across the Midwest and beyond to see the best of the Chicago Public Relations industry. PRogress Report will help students develop leadership skills, network and be their best in ever changing times. The conference will take place Thursday, February 24-Friday, February 25, 2022, Online.
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