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Do gender segregated spaces always limit women's participation? Can some gender segregated spaces paradoxically enhance and support women's better integration in to public life? This talk will explore the complexities of women's spatial and social participation in the contemporary urban Middle East.

Nazanin Shahrokni, Assistant Professor of Gender & Globalization at the London School of Economics

Nazanin Shahrokni is a sociologist and professor at the London School of Economics, where she directs the MSc Programme in Gender Research. She is the author of Women in Place: The Politics of Gender Segregation in Iran (University of California Press, 2020). Before receiving her doctorate in sociology from the University of California at Berkeley she worked a journalist for Zanan, an independent women's magazine in Iran. More recently Shahrokni has served on the editorial boards of Middle East Report (Merip), Jadaliyya, and Middle East Law and Governance.

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