About this Event
Join the Get Savvy- Grow Your Green Stuff series for this workshop!. . . . Investing, it's not for the faint of heart, because investing in the stock market involves risk. Knowing and understand terminology, fees, types of professionals, as well as investment types can be a whirlwind of knowledge that can be confusing. Learn the basics and have a better understanding on how investing works! NOTE: This webinar is meant to be educational and will not offer individual investing advice.. . . . "Get Savvy - Grow Your Green Stuff" is an annual webinar series coordinated by University of Illinois System Student Money Management Center and University of Illinois Extension with partners across the state, including Illinois Division of Financial & Professional Regulation, Loyola University Chicago and DePaul University. This webinar series is aimed to inform, educate, and empower its viewers about important financial topics. All webinars are free and open to the public. New topics are added every year, and previously recorded webinars, related tools, links, & resources are available via YouTube and the University of Illinois Financial Literacy Digital Badges Program. Register at go.uillinois.edu/getsavvywebinars.
Event Organizer: Natalie Daniels (NDANIEL4@depaul.edu)
Meeting Link: forms.uofi.uillinois.edu/sec/1279302
EVENT DETAILS: dehub.campusgroups.com/rsvp?id=8324
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