Leading with Values: Vincentian Family Contributions to a Sustainable World
Sunday, October 11, 2020
About this Event
Are you in need of hopeful stories on environmental sustainability?
Do you have a story to tell about your involvement in environmental sustainability?
Register Now!
Free virtual conference Oct. 9-10, 2020 open to:
- DePaul University faculty, staff, students, and graduates
- Representatives from the larger Vincentian Family
- Anyone interested in promoting hope and action for a sustainable world
The university has a central role in the direction and fulfillment of the Great Work.
- Thomas Berry
Submit Your Story of Hope:
As part of the conference, we are inviting people to submit “Stories of Hope on One Page” (aka “posters”), which will illustrate participant involvement in environmental sustainability, either personally or through a connection to a Vincentian organization or other non-profit (NGO) doing work in this area. This is optional, and not required for your participation in the conference.
The deadline is Oct. 7 for submitting the story documents to hayleadership@depaul.edu. Details regarding how to submit them are available by downloading the document at:
See a list of tentative speakers and more details on the Eventbrite site: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leading-with-values-vincentian-family-contributions-to-a-sustainable-world-registration-94499110383
We will send a finalized schedule and link to access the Zoom site a few days before the conference. If you have questions in the interim, please feel free to contact us at hayleadership@depaul.edu.
At the Conference You Will:
- Listen to powerful stories of hope and initiative from Vincentian universities, organizations, and individuals
- Tap into your own values, passion, and purpose around what’s next through conversations on the Vincentian call to action: "What must be done?”
- Learn how Vincentian founders Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac responded to a climate change ("The Little Ice Age") impacting Europe, especially the poor, in the 17th Century
- Learn to apply DePaul’s core values of Catholic, Vincentian, and Urban in the larger context of principles and values driving evolution and sustainability on earth and in our universe
- Forge strategies and partnerships to expand the energy of engagement
Let's help grow the movement for a world that works for all!
Attendance is free.
RSVP required at Eventbrite website through October 10
to receive online link.
For more information
and to join in shaping this event by sharing your story:
Dr. Patricia Bombard, Director, Vincent on Leadership: The Hay Project.
pbombard@depaul.edu 312-362-5522
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