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Dear faculty, staff and students,. . . . Be a part of the conversation about campus safety at DePaul and join safety experts from DePaul and the City of Chicago for information sharing and discussion at noon on Thursday, Sept. 14 in the Lincoln Park Student Center room 120AB. Lunch will be provided. Register now.. . . . The goal of the summit is to understand the current safety environment across our campuses, connect with our community partners and think through how our community can design our approach to safety.. . . . Attendees will have an opportunity to hear from President Rob Manuel, the Chicago Police commander of the 18th district, the vice president of security of the Chicago Transit Authority, the Chicago Police Department commander of mass transit and aldermen at the summit. Join us!. . . . Sincerely,. . . . Rich Wiltse, vice president of Facility Operations. . Bob Wachowski, director of Public Safety. . Eugene L. Zdziarski, II, PhD, vice president for Student Affairs. .
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