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Alan Królikowski is from the studio of Chuck Chandler. This recital is presented in partial fulfillment of the degree Bachelor of Music. View the complete recital program here and the text and translations here

Jennifer McCabe, piano


R. Schumann | Dichterliebe, Op. 48 
Karłowicz | Op. 1 
Moniuszko | Prząśniczka
Debussy | Nuit d’etoiles; Mandoline 
Rodgers | Oh What a Beautiful Mornin’ from Oklahoma! 
Respighi | 4 Scottish Songs 
Donaudy | O bei nidi d’amore 
Mozart | Che beltà, che leggiadria from La Finta Giardiniera 
Puccini | Avete torto!... Firenze è come un albero fiorito from Gianni Schicchi