About this Event
2330 North Halsted Street
http://go.depaul.edu/musiceventsAlona Kamynina is from the studio of Linda DiFiore. This recital is presented in partial fulfillment of the degree Bachelor of Music.
Saori Chiba, piano
Respighi | Stornellatrice, IOR 45
Scarlatti | Son tutta duolo from La donna ancora è fedele
Respighi | Nebbie, IOR 27
Brahms | O wüßt ich doch den Weg zurück, Op. 63, No. 8
Liebestreu, Op. 3, No. 1
Wie Melodien zieht es mir, Op. 105, No. 1
Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht, Op. 96, No. 1
Donizetti | Quel guardo il cavaliere from Don Pasquale
Fauré | Les Berceaux, Op. 23, No. 1
Claire de lune, Op. L75
La lune blanche, Op. 61, No. 3
Debussy | Beau soir, CD 84, L. 6
View recital program here and text and translations here.
While masks are not required inside the Holtschneider Performance Center concert halls, DePaul University continues to be a mask-friendly campus and wearing a mask will be highly recommended for all indoor spaces. Proof of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test will no longer be required upon entry. Details found here.
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